How to Find Fulfilling Work is part of The School of Life’s practical philosophy series, edited by Alain de Botton.
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Now available in: US edition, Spanish, Catalan, Dutch, Brazil edition, Portugal edition, German, Korean, Chinese, Hebrew, Greek, Turkish, Hungarian, French, Slovenian and Japanese. Coming soon in Italian, Serbian and Persian.
About How to Find Fulfilling Work
Can you take your working life in new directions?
The desire for fulfilling work is one of the great aspirations of our age and this book reveals how one might make it a reality. It explores the competing claims we face for money and status while doing something meaningful and in tune with our talents. Drawing on wisdom about work that is to be found in sociology, psychology, history and philosophy, Roman Krznaric sets out a practical and innovative guide to negotiating the labyrinth of choices, overcoming the fear of change, and finding a career that makes you thrive.
Are you ready to embark on a ‘radical sabbatical’? Should you strive to be a high achiever or a ‘wide achiever’? Could Leonardo da Vinci or Zorba the Greek help change your career? Overturning a century of traditional – and often mistaken – thought about career change, Roman Krznaric reveals just what it takes to find life-enhancing work.
Read an extract: Ch.1: The Age of Fulfillment
Selected reviews
‘A quick yet disproportionately enriching read, How to Find Fulfilling Work is excellent in its entirety.’ Brainpickings (selected as one of the best books of 2013)
‘Krznaric is a congenial writer, and the interweaving of historical fact, psychology, and interviews is nicely done.’ Steven Poole in The Guardian.
‘An inspirational self-help book with an intellectual pedigree.’ Kirkus Reviews
‘This is a book which is both clever and prescriptive without being preachy: it makes you think about work in a new way, as well as offering real exercises and solutions for people who are looking for more fulfilling work.’ Los Angeles Review of Books
‘How To Find Fulfilling Work is brilliant, insightful and inspirational. If you’re unemployed or looking for more meaningful work this thrilling book will change your life.‘ Mary Anne Hobbes, DJ and music broadcaster
‘Delightful read. Leaves an impact because it put words to your beliefs.’ Ankur Warikoo, Best Books of 2021
Selected Media
The School of Life LIVE: In this 15 min video I offer five essential ideas for career change from How to Find Fulfilling Work (and here are some of the ideas animated).
YES Magazine: Six Ways to Stop Worrying and Find Work You Love. This is the ultimate summary of the ideas in the book.
Wall Street Journal: Five Ways to Make Work Matter Again (Without Changing Jobs)
Fortune Magazine: Have We All Been Duped By the Myers-Briggs Test?
The Guardian: Are You Ready For A Radical Sabbatical?
Wall Street Journal: Four Ways to Rethink ‘Having It All’ (Without Leaning In).
For more articles and reviews, please visit the General Media page.