Other writings

A stack of Moleskine notebooks with a hand resting on top

Research reports and essays

The Empathy Effect: How Empathy Drives Common Values, Social Justice and Environmental Action (February 2015, Friends of the Earth)

Empathy with the Enemy (The Pedestrian, Vol.1 No.1, 2010)

Empathy and Climate Change: Proposals for a Revolution of Human Relationships (2010) in Future Ethics: Climate Change and Apocalyptic Imagination (edited by Stefan Skrimshire, Continuum). An earlier version of this chapter is available here.

Five Lessons for the Climate Crisis: What the History of Resource Scarcity in the United States and Japan can teach us (2010) in History at the End of the World? History, Climate Change and the Possibility of Closure (edited by Mark Levene, Rob Johnson and Penny Roberts, Humanities-Ebooks). This chapter is a revised version of a longer report for the United Nations Development Programme, available here.

You Are Therefore I Am: How Empathy Education Can Create Social Change (July 2008, an Oxfam Research Report)

For God’s Sake Do Something! How Religions Can Find Unexpected Unity Around Climate Change (November 2007, United Nations Development Programme)

How Change Happens: Interdisciplinary Perspectives for Human Development (February 2007, an Oxfam Research Report)

Making Democracy Work for Pro-poor Development (2003, Commonwealth Secretariat)

Academic articles and writings

The Limits on Pro-Poor Agricultural Trade in Guatemala: Land, Labour and Political Power (2005, background paper for Human Development Report 2005, United Nations Development Programme, also published in Journal of Human Development, 2006)

The Worldview of the Oligarchy in Guatemalan Politics (2003, Ph.D. thesis, University of Essex, UK)

Differentiating the Democracies of the West (2003, European Journal of Political Research)

The Uneven Performance of Third Wave Democracies: Electoral Politics and the Imperfect Rule of Law in Latin America (2002, Latin American Politics and Society). This is also published in Latin American Democratic Transformations (2009, edited by William Smith, Wiley-Blackwell).

Mortgaged Democracy (2001, from The Routledge Encyclopedia of Democratic Thought)

How to Construct a Database of Liberal Democratic Performance (2001, Democratization, Vol. 8 No. 3)

Measuring Liberal Democratic Performance: An Empirical and Conceptual Critique (2000, Political Studies)

Civil and Uncivil Actors in the Guatemalan Peace Process (1999, Bulletin of Latin American Research)

Interpreting Land in the Guatemalan Peace Process (1998, unpublished)

Guatemalan Returnees and the Dilemma of Political Mobilization (1997, Journal of Refugee Studies, Vol.10 No.1)


What a philosopher, certified insane, thinks about his doctors: Alan Human

How to survive an education system that teaches boredom and conformity: Phin Campell

Why a nurse thinks ‘we surely can’t be here just to do things for ourselves’: Frances Fairweather

What chain-making in a Midlands factory can lead to: Robbie Morgan

Why a grower of organic vegetables needs to travel the world in search of ‘good people’: Andy Bell 

‘I’m not a great thinker, I’m a doer’: Royston Hoare

Why an Argentinian wildlife expert believes smiling is an international language: Val Crowder 

Why a school governor wants to empower children: Athene Reiss

How a cycling enthusiast became part of the human race: Steve Stuart

Selected interviews

The Browser/Five Books – interview with Alec Ash about five books that have influenced my ideas

The European – interview with Martin Eiermann about the idea of homo empathicus (German version)

Philosophy for Life – interview with philosopher Jules Evans about the practical philosophy movement

Salon Magazine – interview with Matt Frassica on being experimental in the search of fulfilling work

The Good Men Project – interview with Cameron Conway on empathy and education

Colour Living – interview with Tina Bernstein about my grandmother and other sources of inspiration

Writing Our Way Home – interview with Fiona Robyn on creativity

The Australian – interview with Miriam Cosic on my wayward career path

Interviews in other languages: Het Financieele Dagblad (Dutch), O. Estado de S. Paulo (Portuguese), Epoca (Portuguese), Porvir (Portuguese), O Globo (Portuguese), Marie Claire (Portuguese), Don’t Touch My Moleskine (Portuguese), Voce S/A Magazine (Portuguese), mdemulher magazine (Portuguese), iG Delas (Portuguese), Lola Magazine (Portuguese), Jutarnji List (Croatian), Knack Magazine (Flemish), Knack Weekend (Flemish), Slobodna Dalmacija (Croatian), Najbolje Knjige (Croatian).